The types of pants available for yogis to wear during their practice are practically endless. High waist Capri leggings, shapewear for women, yoga pants, and compression pants all are known for their popularity and the impression they create on the scene of any yoga class. Fashion trends can support any of these types of workout leggings or pants, but some of them have even more support than the others so to speak.
There’s a reason that yogis love their compression pants for their regular practice.
Long-practicing yogis and yoginis know that loose-fitting pants aren’t going to cut it for their practice. The extra fabric can get in the way of your movement and make it difficult to discern whether you have the proper alignment in your poses. Not only that, but you can find them bunching up in uncomfortable areas as you move through a vinyasa or switch poses. The more fabric your pants have, the more likely you are to spend a good bit of time rearranging your workout pants during your practice.
Compression pants take away a lot of the hassle associated with less form-fitting types of yoga pants. They can save you time and give you added comfort for a long practice that requires complete attention and focus.
Compression wear is available for almost anything you can imagine – shirts, shorts, pants, and even underwear. They’re usually produced using a heavy amount of spandex, meaning they’re designed to fit snugly to your skin. Particularly when it comes to pants, compression wear can help to hold in loose areas of your body to give you more confidence during your class.
Some brands claim that their compression pants can actually boost your athletic performance, but the studies are not conclusive on whether or not this is true. However, that doesn’t mean that there’s no benefit to wearing compression pants for yoga. Purchasing a pair of compression pants could be just the thing you need to take your practice a step further.
One of the main benefits of opting for full-length or Capri compression pants is their ability to absorb sweat. Without your skin slipping all over your mat, you can gain more stability in difficult poses that require concentration and steadiness.
Compression pants also allow you to be a lot more aware of the position and shape of your body within each pose due to their tighter nature. Knowing where each of your limbs is and clearly being able to see it in these tighter-fitting compression pants can help you to enter more safely into poses that are familiar and those that are new to you. Proper alignment is critical for safety so it should be considered paramount.
Overall, there are plenty of options for purchasing pants for your practice. However, compression pants do have some benefits that extend beyond just a pair of fashionable bottoms that you can work out in. Compression pants have a significant benefit that other types do not have.